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Skin Care Tips for 30-Something Combination Skin
In my teens and 20s I had very oily skin with mild to moderate acne. So I used a lot of oil-control and acne-fighting products that ultimately were too harsh for my skin. When my 30s came my face changed. My skin became more sensitive and changed from strictly oily to combination skin. If this has happened to you, then like me, you will need to switch up your skin care routine.

Old Products May Have to Go
As we get older it is almost inevitable that our skin care needs will change. With this change comes a change in products used. This may mean most of your older products may have to go.
I had to get rid of almost everything I used to use. I could no longer use products containing benzoyl peroxide because I developed a slight allergic reaction to the acne fighting ingredient. Basic clay masks were out of the question because they dried my skin out. I do miss using my Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque; it was the best oil controller for my skin. Even my alpha hydroxy cleansers which helped control oil and evened out my skin tone, began to dry my skin out. My cheap but effective Sea Breeze astringent began to leave my face red and blotchy in my T-zone.
Products My 30-Something Skin Loves
Not only did my skin change over to combination skin, it became sensitive as well. If you are experiencing the same, then the types of products I use may help you. My skin prefers gentle face cleansers, now. Noxzema is my skin’s best friend. I also require a moisturizing face mask.
When I do get the occasional acne flare-ups I have to use products containing salicylic acid. To handle skin clarity and brightness I use two different types of serums one for every evening and a different one to fade older hyperpigmentation scars. The biggest shocker for me is that I have to use a daytime and nighttime moisturizer plus an eye cream.
My 30s Skin Care Routine
I thought dealing with oily skin and acne required a lot of maintenance. Now I spend more time on my face at night than I do in the morning when I cleanse and put on makeup. In my 30s dealing with this combination skin I have to adhere to a routine that will keep my skin balanced, clear and fight off premature aging.
Daily Routine:
- Wash skin with Noxzema in the mornings. I leave it on my face for five minutes and rinse off.
- Swipe face with Clearskin Blemish Clearing Acne Pads.
- Apply a daytime moisturizer with sunscreen. In the summertime I just apply a sunscreen with SPF 50.
- At night cleanse face with gel cleanser to remove makeup and the day’s dirt.
- Apply an eye cream under eyes and on lids.
- Apply brightening serum all over face. Wait about 10minutes for it to absorb.
- Apply a glycolic serum to specific areas of hyperpigmentation. (I only do this when I get dark scar that I need to fade fast)
- Follow with a nighttime moisturizer.
- At night apply a clay face mask to clean deep inside my pores.
- Light microdermabrasion to even out skin tone and make skin feel smoother.
This routine keeps my combination skin in check. I have a glow now that was not there before with a new softness to my skin. Plus, not a wrinkle to be found on my face either. Have you had to change the way you care for your skin after entering your 30s or 40s? If so, leave a comment so others may see if your routine may benefit them.