You Can Make Spa Products at Home

You Can Make Spa Products at Home
You Can Make Spa Products at Home

You Can Make Spa Products at Home

One of my favorite things is pampering myself with a facial and hair care. Recently , I learned that a lot of the products I use for my spa can be make at home and it’ll work just as good as the professional products. One thing I really like about it is the fact that I can save so much money by using fruits and vegetables at home for my spa instead. There are a lot of fruits you can use for your hair and facial care.

You can use honey, oil, yogurt, milk, coconut milk, egg, avocado, banana, kiwi, strawberry and many more. The rule of thumb is that if you can ingest it then you can put it on your hair. You can combine some of these ingredients together for a special effect. Some of these ingredients work the same way as conditioner. You can put oil and some of these ingredients together to create a hair care product. If you’re into organic product then using these ingredients is what just you need. You will like the fact that it can save you a lot of money.

You can use some of these same ingredients for facial care. You can make a mask out of these fruits. You can make an avocado mask and rub it all over your face and neck. Avocado works very good and it serves to revitalize your skin. Ingredients that you can use on your face include honey, oil, yogurt, coconut milk, avocado, banana, strawberry, kiwi, lemon, orange and many more. You can use these products all over your body too. Aloe vera is one of the most potent natural ingredient to help revitalize and heal your skin. You should invest in planting a few aloe vera plants. You have use cucumber to put on your eyes. You can also use green tea to put on your eyes to reduce puffiness. Drinking green tea will do a wonder for your health too. Green tea will help to reduce your acne, and help with indigestion. Green tea has a lot of other health benefit too like being an anti-cancer agent. One thing I read recently is to use red beet as a lipstick or cheek powder.
